Hello again!
I like putting LOTS of pictures in my blog because pictures tell a lot. Don't be surprised!
A few days ago, I was playing with my rabbit, Button in his fenced in play yard, when I saw a little tortoise, with his head out, in the corner. He is a box Tortoise. NOT a turtle. I named him Henry and he is living happily in the play yard. He can leave if he wants but I guess he doesn't want to. Yay!
This is Henry!!! |
He loves to hide away in his shell! |
Yesterday, mom thought maybe the chicks would like an outdoor roost. She took a long dead sapling, and lay it across the whatchamacallits. They absolutely LOVED it!!!! They all crowded on, and just sat and enjoyed! Shows that birds like to be high up!
We LOVE to be high up! |
This is a nice way to balance up and relax! |
Put me in a tree any day! |
And this morning well, every morning the chicks literally push each other out the door to get out because they are so hungry. Then they all crowd around the feeder and eat eat eat! It is SO funny to watch!
Yum Yum! |
I'm Starving! |
Rush Hour! |
There's nothing like an early breakfast! |
Since the chicks are still little they either fly, or slide down the ramp.
Wheee! |
You really want me to, SLIDE, down there? | |
Hello? | |
Good morning. I'm not in a very good mood right now, so don't say anything. |
Hope you like my blog!
I love Blogging!