Do you keep your rabbit outside? Do you ever worry your rabbit will freeze on those extra cold nights? Well this is what I do.
I put lots of hay on the floor, because, naturally, rabbits love to burrow. Hay will work too. He loves running around under all the hay and even made a little nest:
Also, rabbits can take cold, but they can't stand wind, so make sure to face your hutch away from the north, or wherever the strongest wind comes from where you live, us it's the north and east. If you built the hutch before you thought of that, then your rabbit feed bags stapled to the wire parts, with a few places so he can get some sun.
Frozen water bottles are another winter boo. I check his water every cold morning, even if I have to take it off the wire and try to open it. Make sure you check it and be totally sure it's not frozen, rabbits need water! There are also insulated water bottle covers that you can buy.
my rabbit has a sleeping quarter that is already warm, I just put hay in it. |