Hello Again! I live on a 15 acre land. We have an apple orchard and grow lots of food. We have about 8 raspberry plants, 6 blueberry bushes...

Tuesday, September 20, 2016


Today the chicks came!
When you order your chicks, be sure to let your post office know that the are coming and when. When they call you, you want to have everything set up, food in there, water too, and you should turn your heat lamp on before you leave.
There is a cardboard draft guard.

Make sure the temp is around 95 degrees F at chick height.

I used a 5 gallon bucket lid for the first day feeder.

When you get to the post office, open the box and count the chicks or see if there are any dead ones. If it is cold in the car, turn the heater on.
My chicks! Murray McMurray offers you a free mystery chick, so I got it. Altogether 16 chicks.

When you get home, dip each chick beak in the water and let them throw their head back to swallow, then set them down.

I hope you can see!

 Then watch them, check on them, and also do one check at night before you go to bed.
Here are my chicks! I got Speckled Sussex, and a mystery chick. They are SO cute!

Mystery chick

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