We have a broody hen! Yay! Her name is Cookie
To tell a broody hen: she will be sitting on some eggs, and when you try to touch her, she'll peck at you, make clucking noises, and ruffle up her feathers. Also there will be a place on her chest where there is no feathers, that is kinda like an incubator, so the eggs are kept warmer.
So, since our chicken house is kind of crowded, she was getting pecked at, and she is one of the lower hens in the pecking order, AND she was sitting on all the hens favorite sitting place. So, I prepared a place where my chicks used to live :)
I went out around 9:00 PM as the chickens are sleepy, so I wouldn't disturb her as much. Then I got like 7 fertile eggs (they are fertile if you have 1 rooster per 10 hens), that were all laid on the same day (if you don't, the eggs will not all hatch on the same day, and you want them to hatch on the same day). Then I put her their with some food and water, then you can leave her for 3 weeks until the chicks! But, watch and see if the food and water is disappearing, because she will get off her nest when you aren't looking. ☺